Why has the same California license plate been showing up in movies and TV shows for two decades?
Who Is John, the “Gay Psychic Santa” from The Circle?
The Circle is back for Season 2, and there’s a mysterious catfish named John. Who is this “full time psychic, part time Santa”?
Announcement: Join us for the legendary 90FM trivia contest
We need your help answering arcane pop culture questions.
The Most Popular Snoopy Quote in Japan
Did Snoopy say “You play with the cards you’re dealt”? And why is this quote so popular in Japan?
Side Quests: Tampons, iCarly, and Fruit Snacks
A few “side quests” from our inbox: tampons in the freezer, a missing iCarly cover, and some long lost fruit snacks.
The Origins of Oranges and Door Hinges
Why is Eminem getting credit for a rhyme a Canadian puppet did first?
A Conspiracy Theory About Area Codes
Adrianne tries to deconstruct how a big city got a seemingly low-prestige number.
How Cool Ranch Doritos Got Cooler
John pieces together the definitive timeline of when Cool Ranch Doritos became Cooler Ranch Doritos.
How Long Does Lipstick Last on a Dead Body?
Once a body is buried, how long does it take for the makeup to decompose?